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Dr. Dr. Robert D. von Morgen

Attorney at law and specialist lawyer for inheritance law, certified executor (AGT)


Attorney Dr. Dr. Robert D. v. Morgen studied law as well as English, American and Political Science. Doctorate in law in 1989, doctorate in philosophy in 1993.


Since his admission as lawyer in 1986, he has focused on advising companies and their owners in all questions of civil and commercial law, including corporate law structures and disputes. He contributes his own practical experience as a long-standing partner and managing director of a medium-sized company in the health sector and as a managing partner of a real estate company.


In the field of inheritance law, the second focus of his practice, Dr. Dr. Robert D. v. Morgen advises clients both in the drafting of wills, including transfers by way of anticipated succession, and in post-inheritance disputes, e.g. the assertion of compulsory portion claims, disputes between communities of heirs and conflicts with executors.


Attorney Dr. Dr. Robert D. v. Morgen is head of the Hamburg section of the German Forum for Inheritance Law (Deutscher Forum für Erbrecht e.V.), holds seminars and lectures on the most important issues of inheritance law and has published various publications on inheritance law topics, including co-authoring the third edition of the Praxis-Handbuch für Erbrechtsberatung published in 2010. He is also active as executor of wills and initiator of the "Hamburger Erbrechtstage". According to surveys conducted in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, the magazine "Focus" ranked attorney Dr. Dr. Robert D. v. Morgen among the most frequently recommended experts in inheritance law in Germany.


He also teaches Law and Literature to students at Leuphana University in Lüneburg.


Publications and articles

"Die differenzierende Rechtsprechung des BGH zur Verjährung von Prospekthaftungsansprüchen: Eine „halbherzige“ Lösung", NJW 1987, pages 474-478


"Der Widerruf von Schenkungen wegen groben Undanks gemäß §§ 530 bis 534 BGB ", legal dissertation 1989


"Aktuelle Fragen der Kreditkarten-Praxis", 1989 (Co-Author: Dr. Levin v. Usslar, LL.M.)


"Mieterschutz um jeden Preis? – Dogmatik und Interessenabwägung im Fall der gewerblichen Zwischenvermietung", Juristenzeitung 1989, pages 725-728


"Die Romane E. L. Doctorows im Kontext des postmodernism", literary dissertation 1993


" ’Gespaltene’ Testamentsvollstreckung bei gesamtdeutschen Nachlässen", Deutsch-Deutsche Rechtszeitschrift 1994, pages 199-203 (co-author: Friedemann Götting)


"Die Testamentsvollstreckervergütung bei Erbteilsvollstreckungen", Journal for Inheritance Law and Property Succession 1996, pages 170-173


„Kosten der Erbteilsvollstreckung sind von allen Miterben zu tragen“ Note on the judgment of the Federal Court of Justice of 22.01.1997, IV ZR 283/95, Zeitschrift für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge 1997, pp. 117 et seq.


"Kostenverteilung bei Testamentvollstreckung über nur einen Miterbenanteil", Comment on the judgment of the Federal Court of Justice of 25.06.2003, IV ZR 285/02, Zeitschrift für Erbrecht und Vermögensnachfolge 2003, pages 415 et seq.


" Verwaltung von Unternehmensbeteiligungen in der Erbengemeinschaft ", Erbschaft-Steuer-Berater (ErbStB) 2014, pages 311 -314

Dr. Dr. Robert von Morgen is co-author of the Praxis-Handbuch Erbrechtsberatung (Practical Handbook on Inheritance Law), now in its fifth edition, published in 2019, where he is responsible for the chapters on the community of heirs and, together with Prof. Dr. Clemens Cording, a specialist in psychiatry, for the (in)ability to make a will and the limits of testamentary freedom. 


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